How we do it

An abdominal massage is usually applied to aid you in releasing and unbinding the recent and older stagnant waste matter from the colon wall. Approximately 25 litres - 40 litres of pure filtered water is slowly infused (approx 50mls - 200mls at a time) throughout the colonic treatment, hydrating the whole colon whilst loosening impacted faecal waste matter, through a specifically designed disposable speculum which comes pre-packed with two tubes in aiding the elimination process of toxins, gas blockages & un-digested food.

There is no smell or touch of faecal matter as the substances travel through a closed Colon Hydrotherapy machine which the client and therapist can view through a glass observation tide, the therapist can visually inspect and advise as to the possible cause,  the therapist can then inspect and advise as to the cause of the symptoms as well as many other Digestive problems.

We provide first class colonic hydrotherapy treatments, also known as colonic irrigation or simply colonics, but most importantly we advise the client as to the reason WHY?

"As a committed colonic hydrotherapist, my aim is to provide our clients with the best possible treatment: the global market-leading Dotolo Toxygen BSC-UV machine (Number 1 in the USA) enables us to do so with complete safety & confidence."  - Paula Atkinson, Colon Hydrotherapist & Digestive Health Consultant

For more information on this service, Contact Us.